Recognizing the critical role of knowledge and innovation to rapidly end hunger, undernutrition, and poverty, IFPRI and the Governance Innovation Unit (GIU) of the Prime Minister’s Office of Bangladesh signed an agreement on October 4 to create a Compact2025 Knowledge and Innovation Hub (K&I Hub) in Bangladesh. Bangladesh is one of Compact2025’s focal countries, committed to accelerating progress to end hunger and undernutrition. Toward this effort, the K&I Hub will support the GIU’s research and analytical capacity, conduct joint research on priority areas and advocate for evidence-based policies and programs for ending hunger and undernutrition.
Additional highlights from this week’s Compact2025 News in Brief include:
- The 2017 Global Hunger Index (GHI) finds that 52 of 106 countries for which data are available face serious to extremely alarming levels of hunger.
- Drawing lessons from India’s experience, countries should invest in education, agricultural research and development, rural infrastructure, and health to accelerate agricultural growth and poverty reduction.
- The Italian Ministry of Health and the City of Milan will host The Global Nutrition Summit 2017: Milan, Italy on November 4.